Friday, 29 April 2016

3 Secrets to Boost Stagnant Sales That Nobody Will Tell You

Is your business suffering due to stagnant sales? There can be a lot of reasons why this is happening to your business. It could be the pricing issue, SEO issue, user experience issue and more. Employing digital marketing services can help you sort the problem of stagnant sales. Other than that, you can also offer discounts to your customers to boost stagnant sales.
If all of that doesn’t work, here are three more secrets to boost sales that nobody will tell you. Apart from employing digital marketing services, you can follow the below mentioned secrets. Let’s dig into that:-

Facebook Remarketing

It’s easy to gain attention from visitors who have already visited your website. In order to garner their attention again and continue the conversation with them you need use Facebook remarketing strategy.
What is Facebook remarketing?
Facebook remarketing is a strategy that allows you to remarket something to a customer who has already visited your website. For example, if a person leaves a few items in cart while shopping and then abandon it, you can remarket updates on the similar products to that very person.
It is generally seen that a person visits a website at least 2-4 times before shopping a product from that site. So remarketing is a great option to garner their attention again and boost sales.

Test Your Call to Action

You can quickly boost the stagnant sales by testing your call to action on all your emails, landing pages etcetera.
First step is to know what your call to action will test:
Color: Is the color powerful enough to look exceptional on the page?
Location on the page: Is your call to action above or below the page fold? Can your visitors comprehend your call to action?
Communication: does your communication of the call to action rouse people?
Size: Is the button large enough to be visible?
Besides this, test your pricing page as well.

Employ a Popup for Opt-Ins

Not using a pop-up on website is not a very good idea. Though pop-ups may seem to be irritating and you may not like them but they actually work. Though pop-ups are strong enough yet managing it is more important. It should be intrusive enough to derive benefit.
It’s time to use the aforementioned three high-impact strategies to boost stagnant sales. Get going!